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Assisting you with your personal
and business needs so you can focus
on the things that matter most.


Assisting you with your personal
and business needs so you can focus
on the things that matter most.


Assisting you with your personal
and business needs so you can focus
on the things that matter most.

We are multi-talented, well-educated Japan-based Virtual Assistants with extensive professional experience.
We will remotely support the business and everyday needs of foreign residents in Japan.

From everyday language barrier isues to getting accustomed to Japanese rules, procedures, cultural manners and customs, our support will set you free from these worries and allow you have a comfortable and productive life in Japan.


Access our entire team for specialized tasks and get full support.

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Cost effective

Does your task require someone less than full-time, or maybe even less than part-time? Our outsourcing service is available fractionally, on a flexible monthly plan that best suits your life or business.

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Team commitment

We start our service by speaking with you to understand your business. AND ASSIST assembled a team with a variety of skills that clients need as they grow their business. In addition to the essential tasks that you want to outsource, our broader team is available when you have particular requirements with either regular or ad hoc tasks.

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Information security

To keep your information secure, we use VPC Asia's private, cloud-based Remote Desktop Service, which insures against human error, accidental deletions and internet hacking.


We provide all of the following services bilingually. Not only are we capable of speaking other languages, but we also have extensive experience in diverse cultural practices at international companies.

Personal and Executive Assistant
  • ・Coordinate and schedule calls and appointments
  • ・Schedule management
  • ・Dinner reservations
  • ・Travel arrangements
  • ・Arrange for events
  • ・Research and send gifts
  • ・Schedule medical appointments
  • ・Personal errands
English⇔Japanese Translation
  • ・Professional translation by translation experts
  • ・Post-editing machine translation
  • ・Proofread and edit letters, blogs and presentations
  • ・Native check
  • ・Provide assistance as a bilingual staff during meetings.
  • ・Create and send invoices
  • ・Chase down payments
  • ・Payment arrangement
  • ・Payroll payment
Human Resources
  • ・Employee candidate management
  • ・Employee management control
  • ・Data and/or documentation for measuring recruiting metrics
Business Administration
  • ・Conduct research
  • ・Customer correspondence
  • ・Set up projects in your project management system
  • ・Cold calling
  • ・Design presentations and business cards
  • ・Video editing
  • ・Convert files
  • ・Handle file management
  • ・Data entry
  • ・Arrangement of moving locations
Customer Support
  • ・Response to inquiries
  • ・Perform receptionist duties
  • ・Social media management/ creating content, scheduling posts and engaging with your followers


Our management team reviews your work requests and selects the most qualified assistant. Assistants can perform a wide range of administrative tasks, from data management, which requires precise administrative skills, to customer support, which requires strong communication skills. At AND ASSIST, we manage the quality of our assistants to be consistent. Our supervisors will help you find the right person for your job instead of leaving it to chance. We will identify the most appropriate assistant for the right job.

Consulting Service

It is quite a hassle to figure out which tasks need outsourcing, creating manuals, and automizing the process. Our supervisors will assist you to organize such tasks.

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Access our entire team for specialized tasks. Our dedicated staff members with 5-15 years of working experience are ready to take on the responsibility.

Project Coordinator

Handled project coordination at a foreign-affiliated firm. Mainly managed the progress of each process for projects and supported the smooth communication between the firm/factory(overseas) and the customer as well as within the team.

Able to provide a wide range of support for the team to work accurately and smoothly such as listening to the client's request and creating procedure manuals.


Born and grew up overseas and experienced in a multilingual business environment. Involved in sales, PR, business development and strategy, human resources, and IT management of various types of businesses for over 15 years.

Abundant in both experience and knowledge. Specialized at observing business from various aspects. English is native level and capable of interpreting.


Lived in Europe as a student and experienced in domestic business at a major Japanese company. Later worked at a business school taking a central role in managing clerical tasks to coordination tasks both within and outside the company.

Specialized in careful and courteous communication. Will make full use of online tools to provide various clerical work according to the client's request.


After studying in Europe, I gained experience as a trade assistant and sales assistant in both trading companies and manufacturing firms. I have handled a wide range of tasks, including negotiating delivery schedules and providing product explanations on behalf of sales representatives.

Experienced in adjusting ever-changing situations and dealing with negotiations accordingly.


Active as a video production creator as well as an instructor for corporate online seminars, utilizing her teaching license.

With expertise as a system engineer and attentive communication, capable of handling various needs of the client.

Translation Specialist

Native in both English and Japanese. Grew up in the U.S. from age 3 to 18. Currently on the 7th year working as a professional translator. Experienced in translation of all fields.

As a native speaker, specialized in natural expressions of both English and Japanese. Capable of coping flexibly depending on the client's request.


After studying in the U.K., worked for about 10 years in finance, trading, and manufacturing companies.Currently working as a secretary, accountant, translator and web designer.

With high communication skills and careful support, provides results that satisfy clients as a partner to put their ideas into shape.


Graduated from the University of Rome and Keio University. Fluent in three languages: Italian, Japanese, and English. Capable of multiple jobs such as careful research, handling tedious tasks, and assisting with effective social networking strategies.

Although originally from Italy, entered a well-known Japanese real estate company after graduating from college and gained work experience in Japan. Capable of handling a wide range of tasks flexibly and effectively.


After spending childhood in the U.S., returned to Japan and became involved in the management of leadership training and other programs for international exchange organizations. Has experience working as a sales assistant and trade clerk for a major Japanese company, program coordinator for international exchange programs, and planning and managing tourism promotion programs.

With diverse work experience, capable of handling new tasks smoothly. Quick in understanding the differences between cultures and make better proposals.


Invoice Processing (Data entry)

I saved this month’s invoices in our usual folder. Could you please check and process them?

Certainly! Everything is complete as of yesterday except the payment to XXX company which is due this weekend. Please confirm.


Thank you for the reminder. I left it aside for a while... You are attentive to details and I feel relieved that I am able to keep in close communication with you! Thank you so much!

Customer support

I hope this e-mail finds you well. Here is this week's business report. We replied to a total of XX website inquiries. Please find the report attached. Regarding new inquiries, we added a sample answer to the manual as you have requested. Please confirm them.


Thank you for your hard work this week. As the sales of new product(s) began, the number of inquires has increased, but we were able to reply to customers promptly thanks to the increase in staff members.

Blog rewrite

As requested, we have rewritten the blog for all 10 articles based on web writing rules in the writing ‘tone’ you requested. Please review the contents and let us know if anything needs correction.


Thank you, I have confirmed the writing. I am amazed by your ability to rewrite such technical content. I can see your thoroughness and careful review of the article. Thank you again for your great support!


We use the latest security technology to keep your important information safe.


ANDASSIST staff have signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) covering the protection of your information.


The majority of security incidents involve human error. We ensure that all our staff are trained on data security to reduce such possibilities.


All password exchange is done on Bitwarden, complete open source software. All data is fully encrypted and has secure cloud syncing features. Passwords are kept secure.

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